Katie L. Burke

With over a decade of experience in science communication and a strong foundation in biology research, I am skilled at shaping compelling narratives from complex scientific concepts. I excel at guiding science storytelling from concept to publication and thrive in collaborative environments.

Changing Policies on COVID-19 Transmission

Despite its top-notch scientific institutions, the United States fared especially poorly during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were many missed opportunities that led to such an epic tragedy. One that has loomed especially large has been confusion around airborne spread of the virus. Precautions such as improving indoor air quality or wearing masks were ignored or downplayed until far too late. Linsey Marr, an engineer who studies aerosols at Virginia Tech, suddenly found her expertise needed in 2

How Hummingbirds Budget Nighttime Energy

Hummingbirds push the extremes of what is energetically possible in the animal world, zipping around with the fastest wingbeats of all birds, up to 80 beats per second in the smallest species. To keep up that pace, hummingbirds eat lots of nectar. If scaled to human size, their sugar intake would be equivalent to drinking a can of Coca-Cola every minute. Hummingbirds must get enough food to maintain their busy lives, without accruing fat stores that would weigh them down. Maintaining such a high

Four things newsrooms can do right now to counter science polarization

At SRCCON in June, we hosted a discussion about countering polarization in coverage of science topics. On the heels of two years of pandemic weirdness, not to mention years of entrenched discourse about climate change, the topic feels especially relevant.

We brought together an audience of journalists with four scholars studying this topic from various angles: researcher and reporter Jaime Longoria of the Equity First Vaccination Initiative and the Disinfo Defense League; psychologist Stephan L

A Handbook for Climate Communication

Katharine Hayhoe burst onto the science communication scene in 2011 with a book she cowrote with her pastor husband, Andrew Farley, titled A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions. With its publication she demonstrated that she is a climate scientist who can discuss the topic of global warming with audiences generally thought to be unreceptive. Because Hayhoe is a churchgoing, involved Christian and a compassionate communicator with a can-do attitude, audiences of eva

An Antidote to Climate Despair

The book All We Can Save is an anthology of essays and poems by a diverse group of feminist climate experts and activists. A project has grown out of the book that aims to nurture a climate community "rooted in the work and wisdom of women."

All We Can Save is a collection of essays and poems that aims to serve as an antidote to climate despair while also fully conveying the gravity of the situation we confront. Its title is inspired by a line from Adrienne Rich’s poem “Natural Resources”: “My

Rethinking Menstrual Norms

When an issue arises with a person’s menstrual health, it is often framed as an individual problem. Maybe one’s period is early or late, short or long, heavy or light, especially painful, or somehow “abnormal.” But as anthropologist Kate Clancy points out in her inaugural book Period: The Real Story of Menstruation—a welcome outgrowth of her Period Podcast—the whole idea of a normal period is a myth, one begotten from eugenics that continues to pervade medical practice and menstruators’ percepti

An Ethics of Land Relations in Science

Scientists who strive for justice and equity in their institutions face an uncomfortable quandary: The knowledge systems that form the foundation of scientific research are entrenched in colonialist practices. This book is for them. It maps the path the author has followed in attempting to avoid scholarly and scientific practices that reproduce colonialism while conducting research on plastic pollution. Liboiron acknowledges that anyone taking on a similar goal will face difficult, paradoxical d

What Might Happen to COVID-19 Over Time?

The novel coronavirus is unlikely to go away completely after its first outbreak. People are only beginning to grapple with what comes next.

To deal with the global pandemic of a novel coronavirus, people all over the world have scrambled to enact social distancing so as to reduce the speed with which the virus is spreading—key to reducing the strain on health care systems. But even as different countries have met that threat with varying degrees of success, they need to prepare for the afterma

Selected Editing

Digital Content

Paradox, Sunrise, and a Thirsty Place

This essay, published in print in American Scientist’s September–October 2019 special issue on the Future of Water and read here by the writer and artist Nina Elder, traces the complexities of living and making art in an era of climate disruption, using the format of the scientific article as a frame for exploring these concepts. The text reflects the author’s research in the U.S. Southwest, a recent residency at the Montello Foundation in northern Nevada, and her ongoing engagement with the changing landscape of Alaska.

Elder creates projects that reveal humanity’s dependence on, and interruption of, the natural world. Often collaborating with scientists and larger research institutions, she explores geologic time, the Anthropocene, and deep futures. Her drawings, installations, and public works have been featured in Art in America, in VICE Magazine, and on PBS.

Read the essay in print here: https://www.americanscientist.org/article/paradox-sunrise-and-a-thirsty-place
Read the rest of the issue here: https://www.americanscientist.org/magazine/issues/2019/september-october

Photo captions:
[0:06] water glass, Montello Foundation, Elko County, Nevada
[0:44] a sage-covered hillside, Ortiz Mountains, New Mexico
[1:12] sunset from Antelope Island in Great Salt Lake
[1:33] author’s hand at sunrise, Montello Foundation, Elko County, Nevada
[1:59] clouds, Elko County, Nevada
[2:33] sunrise, Tetzlaff Peak, Utah
[3:39] The coastline of Lost Lake, in Chugach National Forest near Seward, Alaska, shows the intricate curves and turns of a landscape formed by glaciers. Elder’s photography book Erratic (2018) collects her notes and letters, as well as her photos and drawings of glacial landscapes and erratics, rocks carried from one place to another by glaciers.
[4:19] Donahoe Lake, Wrangell-Saint Elias Wilderness, Alaska
[5:09] Fort McGilvray, an abandoned World War II fort near Seward, Alaska
[6:42] Icebergs float in Portage Lake on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 2018.
[7:26] Skilak Lake, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
[8:12] The Sun rises over the Knik Arm on the summer solstice, Anchorage, Alaska, 2018.
[9:10] Glaciers have left their mark on the landscape near McCarthy, Alaska, 2017.
[10:00] Wind marks on the Twa Harpies Glacier, Wrangell-Saint Elias Wilderness, Alaska
[10:28] an erratic, Bomber Pass, Alaska
[10:58] Stairway Icefall, Root Glacier, Alaska
[11:33] rocks collected by Cynthia Hendel, held by the author, Wrangell–Saint Elias Wilderness, Alaska
[12:02] Elder’s project in progress, the Solastalgic Archive, holds materials that contextualize and give breadth to how we are living and making in this time of accelerated change. She asks people to contribute an object to the archive in response to the questions, “What helps you feel the present? What connects you with your ancestors? How are you creating the future? Where is your time? When are you?” Materials in the collection thus far include poems, photographs, zines, seeds, rocks, mixtapes, manifestoes, coffee cups, recipes, and diagrams.

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© 2019 American Scientist / Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society